This graphic art by no means represents how great God is. Man is finitely tiny in comparison to the infinite transcendence of the LORD God and His Son Jesus Christ. Yet, the love of Christ, which is so pure and perfect was expressed when He chose to die for the sins of the world. Jesus Christ lived a perfect and holy life. He was crucified on a tree and was accursed by God--He willfully received the complete wrath of God's anger towards sin. Jesus Christ defeated Satan. He conquered the chains of sin and death. Three days later He was raised from His tomb which revealed that death had no power over Him.
All people with a poor and broken spirit who cry out to God--who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord, as their Savior, as their King, and as their God will be saved. All who put their complete and full trust in what Jesus Christ did will be rescued from the second death. He who believes in their heart that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead will be saved--they will live with God and be in His presence forever.
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