And Jesus said to them, "Follow Me and I will make you become fishers of men."
This photograph was taken in the early morning hours of July 27, 2010--just outside of Crescent City, California. This region of northern California used to be heavily concentrated with fishermen and lumberjacks. Sadly these two industries no longer provide the livelihood that they once did. Men still fish these mighty seas--as evidenced by the small boat in the ocean.
As I reflected on the travels that were before me--the journey that would take me into a region of California unknown to me, I had to consider the precious words of Jesus Christ that He spoke over 2,000 years ago. Perhaps the men in this boat could have easily been the same type of men that Jesus chose to be His disciples. Men of simplicity--not highly esteemed by society. Not all men are well-equipped to be fishermen. This type of work requires much diligence and hard work. In order to become proficient with this sort of work, one must become taught the elementary principles. Often times men who wish to fill their nets with fish must rise early in the morning. Fishing may also require one to enter the waters when the conditions outside are not so pleasant.
This seems to be a very similar type of job for men who wish to become fishers of men for Jesus Christ. The work often times requires us to labor intensely. It demands the entire man. We must be willing to sacrifice our comforts in life and trust fully on the strength and power of God to work through the troubling times that may so easily weigh us down. I wondered then as I often do now; am I truly sacrificing all of my comforts in life in order to follow Jesus completely.
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