The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
~Psalm 19:1~

This beautiful display of light is what was seen above Donner Pass on the afternoon of June 20, 2010. God created something awesome--a circular rainbow in the heavenlies. As the photographer stood on the side of the road observing such grandeur, a car stopped by the side of the road to absorb this magnificent spectacle. One of the two travelers made a statement, something like, "I don't mean to sound condescending, but how many people do you think have actually noticed what we're gazing at right now?" The photographer responded, "At least three of us have noticed, but beyond that I don't know because you're the first car that has stopped in the hour that I've been here." These travelers stayed for approximately 10 minutes and then left with plans of reaching San Francisco by daybreak. It's highly likely that these two travelers have basked in the beauty of God's wonderful creation on multiple occasions. For the coastal topography surrounding San Francisco is marvelous. May it be that all who are left in awe from the visible attributes of God's creation--the earth, the moon, the stars, the heavens, and everything in them be led to the saving grace found only through Jesus Christ. He, Christ Jesus, lived, died, and was rose from the dead to glorify His Father in heaven; He died so that sinful man could live with Him and know His Father in heaven forever.
~Psalm 19:1~

This beautiful display of light is what was seen above Donner Pass on the afternoon of June 20, 2010. God created something awesome--a circular rainbow in the heavenlies. As the photographer stood on the side of the road observing such grandeur, a car stopped by the side of the road to absorb this magnificent spectacle. One of the two travelers made a statement, something like, "I don't mean to sound condescending, but how many people do you think have actually noticed what we're gazing at right now?" The photographer responded, "At least three of us have noticed, but beyond that I don't know because you're the first car that has stopped in the hour that I've been here." These travelers stayed for approximately 10 minutes and then left with plans of reaching San Francisco by daybreak. It's highly likely that these two travelers have basked in the beauty of God's wonderful creation on multiple occasions. For the coastal topography surrounding San Francisco is marvelous. May it be that all who are left in awe from the visible attributes of God's creation--the earth, the moon, the stars, the heavens, and everything in them be led to the saving grace found only through Jesus Christ. He, Christ Jesus, lived, died, and was rose from the dead to glorify His Father in heaven; He died so that sinful man could live with Him and know His Father in heaven forever.
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