Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. He has destroyed the power of sin and death that holds sinners' captive to the evil lies of this dark world. Anyone who believes with all of their heart, and all of their soul, and all of their mind, and all of their strength that Jesus is who He says He is will be saved. Sinners' who place their complete livelihood in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ will be raised one day and live with Him in Paradise forever. The blood of Jesus Christ will purify the hearts of sinful men and allow them to see God one day. They will not experience the second death--a place of eternal damnation in the Lake of Fire where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Faith alone, through Christ Jesus alone, by God's grace alone is the only route into the glorious kingdom of Jesus Christ. All who enter into the kingdom of God will live with Him forever and will never again suffer from the torments of sin.
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