Let heaven and earth praise Him,
The seas and everything that moves in them. ~Psalm 69:34~
The seas and everything that moves in them. ~Psalm 69:34~
The area depicted in this photograph is located on the outer-edges of Crescent City, California. It was completely destroyed by a tsunami in the mid 1960s following a massive earthquake in Alaska. More recently, the eastern shore of Japan was shattered by an earthquake, measuring approximately 8.9. This far-eastern nation will likely never be the same. Lives have been changed in ways that I cannot even comprehend. People are experiencing nuclear meltdown, loss of power, death, economic spasms, and despair beyond comprehension. Yet, the heavens, the earth, the mighty oceans, and everything in it praises the Lord God Almighty who created everything.
I hope that the complete destruction of this recent earthquake sends many people to their knees--calling out to God and asking Him for something that the world fails to provide. Both in the good times and the very dark. Perhaps the lady, pictured in this photograph with her dog was impacted by the second wave of tsunamis that destroyed numerous docks and fishing boats in Crescent City a few weeks ago. The cities in Japan and the small town of Crescent City are like every inhabited place on earth--they're in desperate need of the healing hands of God.
The Son of God, Jesus Christ, offers this healing. He came to glorify His Father in heaven by living a perfect life. He was hung on a tree and every sin ever committed by sinful man was nailed onto His hands and His feet. Jesus Christ was raised from the dead three days later. All people who come undone and realize that their heart has been shattered by sin and the lies of this world; all who cry to God in desperation and ask Jesus Christ to heal them, to save them, and to to be their Lord and their God; and every person who believes that Jesus Christ was raised from the grave will live with Jesus Christ and His Father in heaven forever.
John 1:12-13 . . . But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
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